Milltown Mid Summer Trad Fest Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24 th June, 2012
Friday 22nd Launch with Open Air Concert & Barbeue in Milltown Village. It was started off on the open air stage on Friday night by over forty local junior musicians and later musicians from Belturbet, Killeshandra and Carrigallen entertained the crowd until they had to move into a brilliant seisuin Featuring “Room for One More”in Drumlane Bar. All day Saturday workshops for all main instruments took place along with an Irish language workshop which was very well attended. Saturday night was a night to remember when the community centre was packed for the visit of Teada and supporting Artists.. Even though everyone was out late on Saturday night a large crowd turned outfor Mass at 10am for the deceased musicians and past members of Milltown CCE and then to hear Brendan Scott’s very informative talk on the history of Drumlane Abbey. Fun was then had by all at the Drumlane GAAs sports day and for those who were still fit to be out a brilliant Seisun which was recorded for Celtic Bridge radio finished up the week-end.